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Conversion fall into two areas: PC data or legacy data.

Data Conversions for PC data

Publishers can often provide freelance indexers with a Word document, PDF file, Quark Xpress Tags file et al. which are useful in creating indexes for subsequent editions of a book, or possibly annual indexes of a journal being merged for a cumulative index. Bibliographies can also be obtained in similar formats which are useful when name indexes need to be prepared (see the EntryExpander utility). In some situations, PDF files can also be used for conversions.

LevTech can convert these files to CINDEX, Sky Index, or a tab-delimited format. The basics charges are: $45/file plus $.01/entry where in this sense entry means a list of locators, page numbers, or cross references. Sometimes editing is necessary to ensure a clean conversion; these is a $25/hour charge for this. Vetting of the file to convert can be done by the indexer, for instance, ensuring that all indent levels are consistent and of one type (tabs, paragraph styles, spaces), that hard returns are used only for index levels not to force line wraps, etc. This may eliminate any editing charge.

Estimating the cost of a conversion can be done roughly by using the number of lines in the file for the number of entries. Or the file can be sent to LevTech for review and an estimate will be provided.

Data Conversions for Legacy data

Publishing data often exist in legacy formats such as mainframe systems or proprietary typesetting formats. In moving to CINDEX or other software the data need to be converted for import. LevTech provides this service by reviewing sample data and estimating the cost to produce a program to convert the data. Often the program can be supplied to the client for future use.

Features of this service:

  • Translation of non-ASCII characters and typesetting codes into Windows ANSI characters
  • Conversion of style (bold, italic, etc.) codes and other typesetting codes into the proper codings for import
  • Identification of locators, “un-suppressing” missing parts, breaking up lists of them into individual citations
  • Identification and break up of cross references
  • Logging of error situations or user-defined situations