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The Index/Check program is a versatile tool designed to help you check the style points of your indexes. Index/Check quickly scans for multiple types of style problems simultaneously (as opposed to manually typing many complicated CINDEX or Sky Index commands). It reports them with their record number and their heading hierarchy for easy access when editing. The various style checks can be enabled or disabled via command line options.

Index/Check not only saves you from the tedium of routine style verifications, but when a project involves multiple or outside indexers, it can also help you standardize styles. It is useful during the evolution of an index as well as a final checking step before outputting your index.


  • Index/Check is designed to operate on CINDEX or Sky Index indexes.
  • Most of the checks that Index/Check performs can be controlled via options.
  • Index/Check reports empty index records and entries with empty headings or page fields. These situations often arise after performing editing or global substitutions.
  • It can report entries with multiple blanks in the text of the headings or page fields.
  • Inconsistently capitalized main headings can be reported, e.g. “New York” vs. “New york”.
  • Inconsistently capitalized first-level subheadings under a common main heading.
  • Similar to the capitalization checks, main and first-level subheadings that have inconsistent punctuation can be reported, e.g., “US” vs. “U.S”.
  • If numbers begin a heading, Index/Check can report if there is no alternate sequencing preceding the numbers.
  • Index/Check can report situations where the deepest subheading is the only (single) subheading occurring at that depth under the next higher level. This often happens as entries are moved around or edited over time.
  • Headings at all levels can have their initial letter checked for proper capitalization: all headings should start uppercase; all headings should be lowercase; or, a mixture of main headings uppercase and subheadings lowercase.
  • The cross reference lead-in phrase see can also be checked for capitalization in the same manner: all see’s in uppercase; all see’s in lowercase; or, a mixture of uppercase see’s when attached to main headings and lowercase see’s when attached to subheadings.
  • Index/Check can ensure that any generally lead-ins for cross references are properly italicized.
  • If you use et seq. phrases in your page field, Index/Check can verify they are consistently entered, that they should include other numbers they meet up with, or that there are situations that require an et seq. but do not have one.
  • Orphaned subheads can be reported.
  • Index/Check can also locate intermediate levels in the heading structure which have locators.

Pricing and Ordering

IndexCheck: validate style and data consistency

Compatible with Cindex and Sky Index
