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The H/Check utility is the quick and easy way to validate index headings, and report inconsistencies in both spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. H/Check validates index headings against a predefined authority list or it can perform a consistency check on an index. A detailed report then displays the headings not found in the list, or found there in a different form. When the heading is inconsistent with the way the heading was found in the authority list, it also displays the proper form.

So whether you are creating a new index that needs to match a former index, checking the next volume’s indexing in a cumulation, or working with multiple indexers whose entries need to merge, this diagnostic utility quickly identifies problems, thus facilitating your entire indexing process.


  • H/Check understands files in CINDEX or Sky Index.
  • There is no limit to the number of authority files and index files that H/Check can handle in one processing step.
  • You can have H/Check report “bad” headings for every entry in which they occur, or only the first time.  The latter mode saves redundant reporting especially if you are going to make global substitutions to effect any needed changes.
  • H/Check reports headings that are not found at all in the authority list as “unknowns”.
  • Headings can also be reported because they are found in a different form, plural as opposed to singular, such as “Banks” vs. “Bank”, “Leash” vs. “Leashes”, or “Leading Man” vs. “Leading Men”.
  • Headings can be found but reported because they are punctuated differently, such as “US Government” vs. “U.S. Government”.
  • Headings can be found but reported because they are capitalized differently, such as “New york” vs. “New York”.
  • H/Check suggests the proper form to use, based on the authority list, when possible.
  • Various classes of messages can be suppressed from the report if desired.

Pricing and Ordering

H/Check: controlled vocabulary checking

Compatible with Cindex and Sky Index
