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After purchasing software or a software upgrade from LevTech, you will receive an email with access information to allow you to download this software. Downloadable software includes CINDEX for Windows, specialty spelling dictionaries, LevTech utilities, and possibly custom software.

The information required to accomplish downloading is your customer id and the serial number(s) of the software. Once you have this information, you may return in the future to re-download the software if necessary. In the case of CINDEX, particularly if you have order a hard-copy manual, you may also receive a CD of the software via U.S. or International mail or delivery. If you are only receiving the software via download, you should save the installation kit on a CD-ROM for additional backup purposes should it be required. All downloaded software arrives with a PDF manual.

1. When you go to the downloads page, you will enter your customer id. After that hit the Display Software button. A new page should display listing the software products assigned to the customer id. If instead you get a message such as unknown customer id, please contact LevTech.

2. Next to each software name is a place to enter the software’s serial number. After entering a serial number, the software name should become a link which you can click to initiate the download. A message may appear if you enter a serial number not assigned to your customer id. If you are entering the correct serial number, contact LevTech. As new versions of the software are released to coincide with changes to CINDEX, where appropriate, older versions of the software will be removed from the download site. When this occurs, you will need to purchase an upgrade to the software that will work with the new version of CINDEX.

3. When you initiate a download, please select a destination directory whose name you will remember, such as “my documents” or “temp”.

  • For software installation kits, such as CINDEX and the LevTech utilities, you must find and run these .exe files to begin the installation. Open Windows Explorer, then navigate to the downloads directory and find the .exe file. Next, right-click on it and, in the pop-up menu, select Properties at the bottom. If the file properties dialog has a security message and an Unblock button at the bottom, hit the button. Windows 7 note: also in the Properties menu go to the Compatibility tab. Under the Compatibility mode, choose “Run this program in compatibility mode or Windows XP”. Now hit the OK button. Finally double-click on .exe filename to start the installation. CINDEX will perform a typical Windows application installation. Most LevTech utilities are self-extracting zip files which will place the software and attendant files in an appropriately named subdirectory (folder) under ‘c:\Program Files\Leverage Technologies’ (Windows XP) or ‘c:\Program Files (x86)\Leverage Technologies’ (Windows 7) . The following utilities when installed will place a shortcut on your desktop and add one to your Start/Programs list under Leverage Technologies: EntryExpander, IndexCheck, and PageAdjuster.
  • For the spelling dictionaries, a zip file is downloaded. It contains the .dic file which needs to be extracted into the CINDEX installation directory (consult your CINDEX manual for where the version you have installs files or to the directory you have placed the CINDEX installation if not in the default directory). The zip file also has a document described on how to store and activate the dictionary.
  • For custom programs, there generally may be no installation kit. Simply place the program in the directory where you or your IT staff want it to be. If you have questions, please contact LevTech.