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The IXMLembedder system allows indexers to work in their indexing software, generally CINDEX or Sky Index, to create an index where the locators are unique identifiers that are encoded into the source documents being indexed. The index entries are embedded en masse by IXMLembedder into the source documents.


  • IXMLembedder will embed entries into Word documents, InDesign documents, and tagged files. Tagged files can be DITA, DocBook XML, NISO STS XML, TEI XML, LaTeX, or O’Reilly’s HTMLBook and AsciiDoc extensions. Custom markup tagsets can be defined as well.
  • Indexing software can be either CINDEX v3.0 or later, Sky Index v7.0/v8.0 (only some editions of these versions support IXML); check the import/export files types to determine if they do), or any software that can create an IXML file (index XML data exchange format). [For Word, and XML documents being edited in Word, a set of ribbon buttons allow you to insert document ids and then paste them into your index file as well as perform other functions in Word.]
  • IXMLembedder utlizes all Unicode characters.
  • IXMLembedder allows the indexer to create projects that can be saved for future use or used as the basis for new projects.
  • IXMLembedder retains any sort sequencing or styling used in the entries where permitted by the index compilation process used by the source document processing.
  • IXMLembedder also provides over all sorting orders: word-by-word, letter-by-letter, and ‘as is’ order meaning the order the records are in the index file, e.g., chronological headings.
  • If document ids are found that are not used in the index, they can be reported. Document ids in the index are also reported if they are not found in any of the source documents.
  • Ranges can be specified where allowed by the compiliation process.
  • Multiple documents can be specified, i.e., a book which is a set of chapter files.
  • Multiple indexes can be prepared and embedded if the compiliation process allows that, for example, a subject index and names index.
  • There is also an Extract mode to retrieve embedded entries from documents used for the previous edition. If the material has not dramatically changed this provides a starting point for the new edition.

Pricing and Ordering

IXMLembedder: embed index entries created in CINDEX or Sky Index

into Word, Indesign, or tagged documents (select one project type)

IXMLembedder: additional XML Type: embed index entries created in CINDEX or Sky Index

into Word, Indesign, or tagged documents (select an additional project type)
