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Consulting, Publishing/Indexing Software, Custom Programming, and Production Services for the Publishing Industry

Striving to make our clients’ lives better by providing indexing & publishing software that lets them perform their work more efficiently and with improved accuracy.

Leverage Technologies, Inc. was founded in 1990 to serve the editorial, production, and composition departments at publishers and other organizations that publish as an adjunct function to their core mission. Offering a combination of third-party software (CINDEX), LevTech’s off-the-shelf software, custom programming services, and batch composition & typesetting services, LevTech assists publishers and other organizations by providing solutions to simplify the storage and processing of publication information within the editorial, production, and composition areas of the publishing operations.

LevTech provides solutions for the full range of the editorial process from building a database or other repository to providing batch composition or electronic media files such as web pages.

Some clients use LevTech for the whole range of editorial and production needs while others utilize our services for one segment of this continuum.

Generally our clients publish reference materials that lend themselves to some kind of automation. Specialty areas include: indexes and tables applications, database development, and batch composition.

Clients include legal publishers, government agencies, abstracts journal producers, medical publishers, etc. See a partial list of clients.

The principal consultant in these areas is David K. Ream. Interested parties can contact him via this link.